Project Winter Mobile (Test) - Information and Download Links for Android


Project Winter Mobile is a Multiplayer Survival game where 8 players play together. This game focuses on survival and deception.

There are two main factions in this game Survivor and Traitor.

The survivor have to perform some tasks set by the game like fixing radio, electrical repairs, by working together with other players and the other task is to find materials to survive in cold snowy mountain area (your character can't endure the cold, hunger and thirst for too long) and while avoiding getting killed by traitor lurking around you.

The traitor's task is to kill the survivors and survive just like survivors while keeping your identity hidden.

Your role will be displayed on the bottom right once you enter the game.

Usually a match is 15 minutes long and you can play with your friends as well instead of random matchmaking.

You can customise your character.

Graphics of this game are nice and smooth.

Offline or Online: Online

Size: 780MB



iOS: not available right now (game is on testing period for Android so maybe it'll take some time for it to come for iOS)

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